***James Peters***
008 Artie
049 Professor X, Dreamer
012 Anole
034 Iron Patriot
007a Firefall
31a Terminator
021 Harvey Dent
012 Detective Harvey Bullock
045 Nico Minoru
047 Viv Vision
***Paradise Clix***
003 Black Widow
049 Professor X, Dreamer
Average Fish
027 Starfox
008 Artie
***Jay Solomon***
027 Starfox
***Daniel Powell***
No particular reason other than these figures seem lackluster or meant the pack was really just a bad booster
044 Rockslide
046 Goldballs
043 Icarus
049 Professor X, Dreamer
027 Starfox
007b Moria mctaggert
034 Storm
wkDP18-102 Heat Wave
wkDP18-103 Impulse
wkDP18-101 Captain Cold
***Jason Alvey***
008 Artie.
A piece with traited mind control but only 4 range 1 target and 9 attack. Just a waste of points in an otherwise great set.
049 Professor X, Dreamer
I can’t really justify playing him over any other title character. His negative ability when he’s KOd is devastating for your team and he’s easy to kill.
003 Black Widow
Activation click. Bad stats. Powers that don’t compliment each other. Just no reason to play her.
014 Red Hulk
200 points for no move and attack powers, 3 damage and a dual full of 10 attack value. No thanks.
034 Krang
He would be great if his special powers were top dial. Instead your paying 130 points for a character with phasing as its starting movement.
021 Harvey Dent
Why am I paying 55 points for this?
046 Chase Stein
A dedicated taxi for the runaways that can carry 6 characters but only has 7 movement. 😞
They are not going to runaway very fast.
016 Klara Prast
Why is this character 40 points and Molly Hayes is 25? Just over costed for what she does.
***Jay Solomon***
027 Starfox
***Daniel Powell***
No particular reason other than these figures seem lackluster or meant the pack was really just a bad booster
044 Rockslide
046 Goldballs
043 Icarus
049 Professor X, Dreamer
027 Starfox
007b Moria mctaggert
034 Storm
wkDP18-102 Heat Wave
wkDP18-103 Impulse
wkDP18-101 Captain Cold
***Jason Alvey***
008 Artie.
A piece with traited mind control but only 4 range 1 target and 9 attack. Just a waste of points in an otherwise great set.
049 Professor X, Dreamer
I can’t really justify playing him over any other title character. His negative ability when he’s KOd is devastating for your team and he’s easy to kill.
003 Black Widow
Activation click. Bad stats. Powers that don’t compliment each other. Just no reason to play her.
014 Red Hulk
200 points for no move and attack powers, 3 damage and a dual full of 10 attack value. No thanks.
034 Krang
He would be great if his special powers were top dial. Instead your paying 130 points for a character with phasing as its starting movement.
021 Harvey Dent
Why am I paying 55 points for this?
046 Chase Stein
A dedicated taxi for the runaways that can carry 6 characters but only has 7 movement. 😞
They are not going to runaway very fast.
016 Klara Prast
Why is this character 40 points and Molly Hayes is 25? Just over costed for what she does.
Daniel Powell - "Professor Fire"
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